Clarissa M Lewis

A n d  t h e n  t h e r e' s  a l l  t h a t  l a u n d r y  t o  b e  d o n e...  

(three views)



Media: wall installation with  found and constructed objects: door and frame, negatives, found objects, pigment marker
Size: h7 ft x 3w ft/h203 x w97 cm

In making And then... , I was interested in the public and private experience of language and its impact. I am also interested in the idea that to fully understand the meaning any word, it is necessary to understand that at its core, is the essence of its opposite.

The negatives [each h14 x w11 inches/ h36 x w28 cm] suspended in the door frame, between the text and the door, are documentation of my partner engaged in the years long ritual of commuting, arriving and departing, departing and arriving. Each image is of a stage of arrival and departure: entering, going through and returning from the tunnel that links the passenger drop off to the GO train platform. (GO train is a commuter train in Toronto)

Alternating with "ARRIVAL DEPARTURE" in public signage text, the cursive handwriting is adapted from dialogue in the film: Shadowlands immediately following Joy Gresham's revelation to C.S. Lewis that she is dying of cancer.

The text: "The sadness then is part of the happiness now."

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